Dharma Blessing from Master Tze Cheng

Dharma Blessing from Master Tze Cheng

The moon is like your mind, and the
cloud your Karma.
Whether with clear skies or obscured
by clouds, the moon is perfectly round.
Comprehend the Principle of Non-Arising
expressed herein,
And light shall illuminate the Universe
as you give rise to neither.

專輯: Dharma Blessings from the Abbot

分類: Dharma Blessings

標籤: #Blessings and virtues #Buddhist cultivation #Calm #Cause and Effect #Compassion #Cultivating merits and wisdom #Doing good #Forbearance #Karma #The five desires #Transferring merits #Wisdom



The Five Desires—wealth, lust, fame, food, and sleep—are like a raging storm. The might of the wind can produce waves which can topple mountains and churn the seas, making it impossible to set sail. If you do not cultivate right away upon encountering the Buddhadharma, do you not fear drowning? Lingyen Mountain Temple is a safe harbor where you can escape the storms of the Saha World. Don’t waste any more time. Come to the temple to cultivate so that you can avoid drowning in the stormy sea of suffering.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #The five desires